Patna: As the Enforcement Directorate on Friday filed a charge-sheet against Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad and his family, Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, Sushil Kumar Modi condemned them and said, “nobody can be saved.”
“There are so many strong evidences against them that nobody can be saved. These people looted Bihar and misused their powers. They acquired 3 acres of land for Tejashwi to build mall worth Rs.750 crores,” said Modi.
The ED filed the charge-sheet against the RJD chief, his wife Rabri Devi, his younger son Tejashwi Yadav and 13 others in connection with a Railway tender scam today.
Earlier in the day, the Jharkhand High Court rejected Lalu’s request for extending his bail extension on medical grounds and asked him to surrender by August 30.
The RJD supremo was granted six weeks provisional bail for treatment in May, which was later extended by the Jharkhand High Court.
In July 2017, the Central Bureau of Investigation registered a corruption case against Lalu, Rabri, Tejashwi, and others for allegedly granting favours to a private hotel company through IRCTC when Lalu was the railway minister from 2004 to 2009.
The CBI alleged that there were irregularities in awarding the tender for development, maintenance and operation of the BNR hotels in Ranchi and Puri.