New Delhi, Sept.21 : Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Sambit Patra on Monday said Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi was nothing but a grown up child and his views have no significance for the country.
“Rahul Gandhi’s speeches have become like worn out tape recorders. He speaks the same words again and again. Rahul Gandhi, the tallest leader of the Grand Old Party, is nothing but a grown up child. And, that’s why, his puerile views on topics of importance, carry no meaning for this country,” Patra told ANI here.
“People are aware that Rahul Gandhi and the others leaders of the Congress Party have been destroying the country since the last ten years,” he added.
Earlier in the day, Gandhi criticised the NDA Government at the Centre and claimed that farmers across the country were abusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi for not fulfilling promises made during the 2014 general elections. (ANI)