Wayanad (Kerala): CPI leader PP Suneer on Monday said that Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s decision to contest from Wayanad seat in the ensuing Lok Sabha election will help BJP. However, Suneer claims that the only contest in the region is between LDF and UDF.
“They have taken this decision to weaken our national secular democratic movements. This decision of Rahul will not help the Congress. Instead, it will help the BJP,” Suneer told ANI here.
Asked about Thushar Vellapally, BJP’s candidate from Wayanad, Suneer said, “That is not a serious issue. The direct fight is between UDF and LDF.”
Earlier, the Congress had announced that Rahul will be contesting from Wayanad parliamentary constituency in Kerala along with his traditional bastion Amethi in Uttar Pradesh to further strengthen the unity of north and south.
Kerala will go to polls on April 23.