New Delhi: Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi said Defence Minister Arun Jaitley brushed his concerns about Kashmir aside saying that it is peaceful.
With Kashmir CM leaving its fate in PM Narendra Modi’s hand in order to control the situation, Rahul blames BJP Government for ‘mishandling’ the situations Kashmir, he has also blamed the Narendra Modi’s government for treating the valley as its ‘political asset’.
“Around six, seven months ago, Mr. Arun Jaitley came to see me and I told him that they are mishandling Kashmir and they are going to set Kashmir on fire. And Jaitley brushed me aside and said that Kashmir is peaceful,” Rahul told the media in Chennai.
“They’re creating a problem for this country by their incompetence and by trying to utilize Kashmir as a political asset. Kashmir is India’s strength and they are making it India’s weakness,” he added.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on the current situation in Kashmir has said that the Centre has is open to talks with the people in Kashmir and would resolve the issues after they take the state and political parties in confidence, also saying that the Centre has concrete strategy” for a “permanent solution” in the Valley though “it may take some time”.
Adding to that he said
While listing the achievements his Ministry accomplished in the three years he said “I have said this with utmost responsibility, after much thinking and deliberation. We have some plans and are working in this direction and will find a solid solution in future. It may take some time,” to the reporters.
When asked about talking with the Kashmiri separatists, Singh replied saying since he took charge as a Home Minister, he has been advocating talks with all concerned people related to the issue.
He added “From the beginning, I have been saying that we are ready for talks. Whoever comes forward for talks, we will talk. We are open to talks to find a solution to the Kashmir issue. All problems can be resolved only through dialogue”, Indian Express reported.