Hyderabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that Congress president Rahul Gandhi always “forgets what he says, as he delivers his speeches with the help of notes provided by his aides.”
Addressing an election rally here, Prime Minister Modi, said “Naamdaar (Rahul) always fails to remember what he had said earlier. He also fails to recall where he has said a particular thing and in which context. He is handed over the chit and he reads from it.”
“The Congress party is tolerating Rahul Gandhi till he attains some talent. The party has no internal democracy and four generations of one family have ruled the Congress,” added Prime Minister Modi.
He said that barring the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), all parties in the fray to contest elections practice “dynasty politics.” “In Telangana, what we are seeing is dynastic politics. Out of all the parties which are contesting these elections, only one party, the BJP, values democratic ideals,” he said.
Prime Minister Modi further claimed that the Congress and the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) are “two sides of the same coin.” “Before elections in Karnataka, the Congress was repeatedly saying the Janata Dal-Secular is the BJP’s B team, but we all know what happened after elections. The same thing can happen in Telangana,” he added.
Telangana Assembly elections are due on December 7, while the counting of votes will take place on 11 December.