Bengaluru: The drug case issue in the entertainment industry seems to be deep-rooted. Kannada actor Ragini Dwivedi, who was arrested in the Sandalwood drugs racket on September 4, mixed water in her urine sample and handed it over to the doctors who were conducting a drug test on her, media reports said. She is currently under Central Crime Branch’s custody.
Ragini Dwivedi Drug Test
According to reports, Ragini Dwivedi was taken to KC General Hospital in Malleswaram, Bengaluru on Thursday for a drug test in the case. However, the doctors figured out that the sample given by Ragini was contaminated and informed the CCB officer who was part of the investigation. The test was conducted to check if the actress had taken drugs in the last few days.
Basically, when water is added to urine, it decreases the temperature of urine and makes it equal to body temperature.
On alerting about her cheating, the CCB officer made Ragini Dwivedi undergo the test again and she was asked to give another sample, this time, by making sure that she was not mixing water to it.
Later on Friday, the central agency mentioned the ‘shameful’ incident to magistrate seeking the extension of her police custody. The magistrate granted the request and added three more days to Ragini’s custody.
Ragini Dwivedi is the first mainstream actor who has been nabbed by the police in the Kannada drug racket out of 15 others who were named in the case. After her, another famous actor from the Kannada film industry named Sanjjanaa Galrani was also nabbed by the CCB and taken for a drug test. However, she refused to take the test and threw tantrums at the hospital. But later when the police sent the orders, she agreed to take tests and results are awaited.
Ragini Dwivedi had moved her bail petition, which was adjourned by the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) special court to next Monday, September 14.