Hyderabad: The Rachakonda police here has seized 1,579 vehicles for violating the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, with 4,054 cases being booked against violators on May 20 alone. Rachakonda police commissioner Mahesh M. Bhagwat said that a total of 25,537 cases have been booked since the implementation of the lockdown since May 12 under his jurisdiction limits.
Bhagwat himself on Friday participated in vehicle checking at the ECIL crossroads along with the Kushaiguda law and order and traffic police officers. According to Rachakonda police, 17,350 cases have been booked for lockdown violation, and 6,367 cases were booked for not wearing face masks or for not wearing masks properly by citizens who were out on the streets.
Aside from that, 1,228 cases were also booked for not observing correct physical distancing in public places, and 337 cases have also been registered for large public gatherings and 245 more for boozing at open places. In the Rachakonda police limits, a total of 46 check posts have been arranged to check vehicles and a total of 1,579 vehicles have been seized so far, Bhagwat said.
He advised everyone to follow guidelines provided in G.O (government order) 102 from the state government and G.O 8 for industry specific norms. Mahesh Bhagwat commended the efforts of the police in performing lockdown enforcement duties round-the-clock on field and warned erring citizens to strictly follow lockdown guidelines, or face “legal problems”.
On Friday, Hyderabad police commissioner Anjani Kumar also issued a strict warning to citizens to follow the COVID-19 lockdown guidelines, and to not venture out apart from the 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. relaxation hours. In a tweet, he stated that action will be taken against violators and that vehicles will be seized if anyone is found to be violating lockdown rules.