New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has sought a report from the Education Department in Rabea Girls’ School case. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia tweeted that Chief Minister Kejriwal has sought the report in connection with the Rabea Girls public school incident. He has asked Education Secretary and Education Director to come up with the facts.
Kejriwal and Sisodia will visit the school today and will interact with students, their parents and school officials.
It must be recalled that 59 nursery girl students aged between 4 to 5 years were allegedly locked up in the basement of Rabea Girls School in old Delhi over non-payment of tuition fees. The angry guardians rushed to the nearest police station to file an FIR. Saying that it was a criminal offence the parents demanded strict action against the school staff.
However, Farah Diba, the headmistress, Rabea Girls’ Public School, has categorically refuted charges and said the allegations are wrong.