Hyderabad: Quran Hub, http://quranhub.net/ to be launched in Gulbarga on Sunday at 11 am at Chamber of Commerce, Super Market, Gulbarga.
This software is a web application of the Quran which offers 49 translations of Quran and 10 commentaries. It is available in 10 Indian languages and English. This software has been produced by Siasat Technologies Limited, JILT under the supervision of Mr. Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, Managing Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily and Mr. Abul Khair Siddiqui, CEO of JILT. Its project Director is Mr. Abu Mazhar Khalid Siddiqui, Ph.D. Research Scholar of MANUU.
You can register at http://qc.milliservices.com
For details contact 08197634987 or 09739710454