Multan: Pakistani social media star Qandeel Baloch were conducted in her ancestral village Shah Saddardin in Dera Ghazi Khan district on Sunday, the model’s father spoke out against his son Waseem, who has confessed to killing Qandeel.
He added, “She was my son, not a daughter. I have lost my son. She supported all of us, including my son who killed her,” he added. His sons were unhappy over “her achievements” and turned against her even though she supported them.
In fact, he was the one to file a complaint against Waseem for killing Qandeel.
In his police complaint, Qandeel’s father said his daughter came to Multan from Karachi to celebrate Eid with the family. He said Waseem, 25, also came to meet them on July 14, 2016.
He along with his wife went to sleep on the rooftop while Qandeel slept in a room where Waseem strangled her to death,he said that.