New Delhi, Oct.16 : The movie is set in the backdrop of New Delhi. The movie revolves around three bachelors — Gogo (Kartik), Chauka/Sid (Sunny) and Thakur (Omkar) — who stay together in a flat.
It’s an old cliche of love at first sight, and this is what is shown in the movie. They fall in love with Chiku (Nushrat), Supriya (Sonalli) and Kusum (Ishita) respectively.
Firstly, let’s talk about Gogo and Chiku, they met at a pool-side party, connect instantly and fall in love.
Chiku treats Gogo as a money bag. She goes clubbing with him, shopping, visits the beauty parlour and so on.
Trouble starts when Chiku’s best friend Sunny comes over and stays with Chiku post his break-up.
That’s when Gogo realises that Chiku is taking him for granted.
Thakur and Kusum meet at a gym and start discussing their exercise regime and that’s when Kusum invites Thakur to her place. They fall in love and meet regularly.
The one thing affecting their relationship is money and it seems that money is the only topic of discussion in their relationship. Things fall apart, when Thakur quits his high paying job to start his website and Kusum feels that it will cause financial instability.
Sid and Supriya first meet at a wedding in Meerut. They dance together and fall in love. Supriya works in a BPO and is a middle class girl. Sid meets Supriya’s parents and in order to impress them, he starts helping with daily chores.
Things fall apart when Supriya’s dad asks Sid to make a matrimonial profile of Supriya on a matrimonial website. Following this, it is Supriya’s inability to communicate with and convince her parents about marrying Sid that causes turmoil in their relationship.
In all three love stories, one thing is to be noted that these days a girl’s feelings towards a boy is diminishing and all they care about is money.
Complications of being in a relationship are also depicted in this movie.
Please note that there is a dialogue sequence in the second half that you just cannot miss.
The movie is well directed, the dialogues are very good and at times hilarious. The music is also nice and peppy. All in all, a must watch for single people and those in a relationship.