Putin, Merkel, Hollande end talks on Ukraine crisis

A tripartite meeting on the Ukraine crisis, involving Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, ended here at midnight, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Saturday.

The French and German leaders have left Kremlin and were heading for the airport, spokesman Peskov told reporters, Xinhua reported.

The three leaders ended the nearly five hours of talks without announcing the outcome of their talks.

Peskov said the meeting was “constructive and substantial” and that efforts would be continued to draw up a possible joint document on the implementation of the Minsk agreements reached in the Belarusian capital of Minsk in September.

“Joint work is being done to draft a document that would include the Ukrainian president’s proposals and those put forward today(Saturday) by Russian President Vladimir Putin,” the spokesman said.

There will be a telephone conversation in the Normandy format Sunday when preliminary results of Friday’s meeting will be reviewed, said Peskov.