Chandigarh : The Punjab Police on Wednesday issued an alert to its police stations to be on lookout for a ‘grey colour car’, which is suspected to be hauling three Pakistani militants with sufficient quantities of arms and ammunition.
The alert states that a specific input received by the special cell of the Delhi Police has warned them of a grey colour Swift Dezire car (JK-01 AB-2654), hauling militants who can possibly be carrying even a suicide belt.
Punjab Police sources, over a telephonic conversation with ANI, confirmed the alert about the Swift Dezire car, adding that they have alerted all the Superintendent of Police (SP)s and Senior SPs about it.
The alert issued has directed the police stations to take all the necessary steps to ensure security and specially focus on strict checking of vehicles, security of vital installation, including police buildings, defence establishments, religious places, crowded places such as market areas, malls, railway stations, railway tracks, and educational institutions. (ANI)