Chandigarh: The Cyber Cell of Punjab Police has registered cases under various sections of Sections 67 of Information Technology Act 2008, and Sections 500 and 505 of the Indian Penal Code, after a morphed and dubbed video of Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh went viral on social media.
The cases have been registered against unknown persons, with preliminary inquiries revealing that the video had been uploaded and doctored by an unknown person with the username “Harsh Sofat”.
“The police have also initiated steps to get the content removed from all social media sites,” a police spokesperson said.
In the said video, the voice of the Chief Minister has been altered by slowing down its pace in a bid to create an impression that he is under the influence of some intoxicant.
Initial investigations by the cyber cell revealed that the video had been created using a Chinese app, ‘TikTok’, which allows users to dub and alter voices on recorded videos.
Further investigations are underway to identify the suspect.