Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister, Amarinder Singh on Saturday spoke to his Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje asking her intervention for an investigation into the alleged assault on four Sikh men by a crowd in Ajmer in April.
He described the assault unfortunate and told the reporters that Punjab should take actions in order to punish the culprits.
Four men were assaulted by a mob including an elderly on April 24 in Chainpura. The Sikh men were there to collect donations when the locals of Chainpura had alleged that the four men had molested their women.
The police arrested them but released them later saying they were not involved in any molestation. The Sikh men were reportedly asked by the police to file a cross FIR against those who had assaulted them but they refused to do so, reported Indian Express.
Amarinder Singh also showed concern that the Police were not informed about the incident until a video was circulated. The fact that the victims were ‘sewadars’ and had stopped at Rajgarh village in Ajmer district to collect alms made the incident even more condemnable, the chief minister said, adding that such “intolerance” had no place in a civilised society and any “attempt to create communal strife” should be nipped in the bud.