New Delhi: The Assam Police has bagged the Special Jury Award for its initiative Smart Protection Unit at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Smart Policing Awards.
The award was received by ADGP Harmeet Singh. The ceremony took place yesterday in Delhi.
The Goa Police Traffic Sentinel Scheme has also received Special Jury Award during on homeland security.
The award was presented by Union Minister Vijay Goel in 18 categories to the representatives of the State Police Forces and Central Armed Police Forces.
The Punjab police team has been awarded for using smart policing technology “PAIS”. Inspector General- OCCU, Kunwar Vijay Pratap, received the award. It has won the award under the category of Crime Prohibition.
The 3rd edition of the event, which is part of a two-day long conference on Homeland Security-Cyber Crime Management, is aimed at showcasing smart initiatives and best practices taken by the police to combat crimes in their respected area.
The event which commenced yesterday received over 200 entries in various categories ranging from safety to child, women, elders, road and cybercrime and community policing.
The categories for which the awards were given are: Anti-Insurgency, Border Management, Child Safety, Community Policing, Crime Investigation and Prosecution, Cyber Crime, Disaster Management, Elderly Safety, Emergency Response, Human Trafficking Control, Intelligence Collection, Maritime Security, Road Safety and Traffic Management, Smart Police Station, Surveillance & Monitoring, Training and Capacity Building, Women’s Safety and Other Policing Initiative.
Speaking after conferring the trophies, Goel said, “These technology-driven measures will definitely help improve the efficiency of the armed forces.”
Expressing his concern over the negative image of police among the masses he said, “Police should work towards winning the confidence of the public.” (ANI)