Hyderabad: Speaking in the Telangana State Assembly, MIM MLA of Malakpet Constituency, Mr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Balala condemned the Pulwama attack which took the lives of around 40 CRPF personnel. He said that Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and Masood Azhar are behind this attack. He also said that Pakistan is involved in the attack to create instability in India.
Commenting on Kashmir, he said that Kashmir and Kashmiri are the integral parts of India.
Expressing his views on the alleged attacks on Kashmiris in various parts of the country, he said, “These attacks are fulfilling the aims of Pakistan and terrorists”.
He said that there is a need for all sections of society to stand united against terrorism.
Raising question over explosive used in Pulwama attack, he questioned, “How 200-250 kg RDX got into Kashmir”.
At the end of his speech, he welcomed the announcement of ex-gratia by Chief Minister of Telangana State.