New Delhi : Blaming actress Yami Gautam for ruining her marriage with Pulkit Samrat, Salman’s Rakhi sister Shweta Rohira branded her as a “home-breaker.”
“Yami was the smoke that led to whatever happened between Pulkit and me. She is a home-breaker. I was living in an illusion. I trusted Pulkit. The film industry is a very small world. I get to know things about him even if I don’t want to,” said Shweta in an interview with Spotboy.
Calling her marriage with Pulkit a “mistake,” she said, “Pulkit has always led a dual life for some reason. He did not declare me as his wife for the longest time, and now he is saying that he is not dating Yami. It’s time he becomes transparent.”
When asked about the allegations that the 32-year-old ‘Fukre’ actor had earlier imposed on her about controlling his life and spreading rumours about him, she said that Pulkit doesn’t exists for her anymore.
“If I was into spreading stories, would I have benefited hiding myself as his girlfriend for 5 full years? Wouldn’t I have leaked that out then itself,” Shweta said, adding, “Was he locked up by me in our house? Every husband has a habit of saying that his wife controls him, Pulkit has taken this to the next level.”
Spilling beans on her husbands’ alleged illicit affair with the ‘Sanam Re’ actress, she said “Yami is always around him when he is breaking chairs on the set or threatening the media. She had the hots for him, everybody knows. What happened between them after Pulkit and I separated. I wouldn’t know.