Hyderabad: The Telangana government extended the time given to L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad Limited, the developer, to complete the project by November, 2018. However, excluding 5.5 km in Old City and another one km between Hi-Tec City and Raidurgam from the project has left many wondering whether the metro rail will ever chug into Old City.
The 5.5 km stretch in Old City is part of the 15 km rail Corridor-II from JBS to Falaknuma. Now, with 5.5 km taken away, the route will now end at Mahatma Gandhi Bus Station at Imliban in Afzalgunj. As per the original alignment, the metro rail should pass through MGBS, Salar Jung Museum, Charminar, Shalibanda, Shamsheergunj, Jungamet and end at Falaknuma. However, the political parties had insisted that the original alignment be changed.
Please watch Public review on Hyderabad metro rail in Old city