New Delhi: Delhi elders slam Arnab Goswami for spreading fake news. They say Modi government must send him to jail for making false allegations against people. They say nearly all channels have become ‘Modi bhakt’, they spread false news to increase TRP, such channels must be shut.
Delhiites slam Arnab saying, declaring any person as terrorist without evidence is a big crime. They suggest that Goswami might be having Modi’s backing. Slamming Zee News and Republic TV, citizens of Delhi call them RSS’ and fascists’ channels.
Arnab Goswami has done master in ‘apologiology’. Observing this, the elders mock that Arnab first makes allegations against someone for raising TRP, then later apologizes.
One of the interviewers says Modi is responsible for taking the country to the verge of destruction. He says, one who doesn’t go to his rally is anti-national. One who doesn’t attend BJP’s programme is anti-national. They also slam Sambit Patra saying him the ‘dalal’ of BJP and a liar.
They say those who are on TV are no less than terrorists. Media should get rid of those terrorists to clear its image. Lamenting that media has lost its image by becoming biased and presenting distorted stories, Delhi people say public are fed up with these channels. Hence media must wake up and restore its image otherwise people will stop believing in media.