Chandigarh: Aam Aadmi Party MLA H S Phoolka has asked the Assembly Speaker to provide copies of bills, which will be tabled in the upcoming session, to the Opposition members in advance so that so that they can study them.
In a letter to the Speaker, Phoolka said in the last session of Vidhan Sabha, Law Officers Bill was tabled and passed by the government but in the absence of copy of the bill, the Opposition members were not able to participate in the discussion regarding the bill.
He said as per the rule-115 of Vidhan Sabha Working law, the government is bound to provide copy of any bill to be tabled in the assembly 15 days before, but it was not followed in the case of Law Officers Bill.
The Leader of Opposition said, as the government is going to table many important bills in the upcoming session, the Speaker will look into the matter and safeguard the rights of the members of the Opposition parties. The Assembly session is likely to take place this month.