Bengaluru: Members of Karnataka for Employment (KFE), protested against PM Modi in front of BJP office in Bengaluru on Saturday. The protest took a different form, the protesters set up a ‘pakoda stall’ in front of BJP office in response to the comment made by PM Modi in a recent TV interview.
According to the news reported in The Hindu, PM Modi said that “those selling pakodas should also be deemed to be employed.”
This comment made by PM Modi who in 2013 promised that he would create One Crore jobs every year, created a controversy. The convenor of the Karnataka for Employment (KFE), Mutturaj said that PM Modi had “made a mockery of those eking out a living as street vendors.”
In the run-up to the assembly elections, the KFE has also been organizing a campaign ‘No job, No Vote’ in Karnataka.