Press Academy Chairman, Allam Narayana today stressed the need for protecting Telugu language and a debate in social media like face book, twitter and Whatsapp. The government will take steps for its promotion in the state he said while participating at a program on “Telugu in Newspapers and TV Channels” at Ravindra Bharathi conducted as part of World Telugu Mahasabhalu here. Felicitating the speakers on the occasion, Narayana said that media academy will support and make efforts to protect and propagate Telugu in a big way. The world Telugu Conference will sure prove handy for giving impetus on Telugu language and its use for long he felt. Expressing concern at people for not using language of downtrodden he asked to focus on its publicity and its reach to the people. We are listening to a sort of feudal language in vogue in central Andhra Pradesh area is being spoken. The suggestions made by intellectuals, editors and senior journalists on Telugu development to the notice of the government he said adding that formation of statehood gave rise to Telangana slang and dialect.
MP Keshava Rao said that newspapers and media will reach most of the public and Telugu is getting prominence in Telangana and it needs standard. Central Information Commissioner Madabhushi Sridhar said that speaking in Telugu has come down in recent times and it is not right to insist it in media.
CPRO Jwala Narsimha Rao, Editors Katta Shekhar Reddy, Pothuri Venkateshwar Rao, K Srinivas, GS Varadachary also spoke and MLC Naradasu Lakshman and senior journalist Udayavarlu and others participated. (NSS)