Siasat editor Mr. Zahed Ali Khan said ‘a project began with sincerity aimed at helping poor Muslims will become the source to emerge as winner in this world and also in Hereafter. He was addressing on the occasion of distribution of educational scholarship to poor deserving students by Mustafa Trust at Masjid Quba, Nampally. He further said that Muslim community was a gifted community; proper guidance could prove effective in solving its educational and economic problems. He claimed that compared to boys, girls were proving their mettle while boys by indulging in useless activities were lagging behind in educational field.
Mr. Zahed Ali Khan lauded the efforts of Mustafa Trust and asserted that tender-hearted people still existed in the world. He revealed that Siasat Daily spent 70 to 80 lakhs on educational scholarship through Millat Fund while lakhs of rupees were spent to help talented students get admission in institutions like BITS Pilani and IIIT.
He maintained that students who avoided Television watching and other unnecessary activities excelled in studies.
Siasat news