Hyderabad: Telangana government finally woke up from deep slumber and began a probe after huge protests rocked Niloufer Hospital, following the deaths of five mothers of new born babies.
Government appointed Hyderabad collector Rahul Bojja as inquiry officer. He visited the hospital on Wednesday and interacted with hospital superintendent Dr C Suresh Kumar and other doctors. According to hospital sources all the five cases were brought to the hospital at the eleventh hour and excessive bleeding led to their deaths.
The collector directed the hospital authorities to submit details of each case history and doctors who were on duty. Later speaking to the media, Bojja informed that a three-member committee had been constituted to assist him and told that the probe will take some time.
Meanwhile operation theatres (OTs) of Niloufer Hospital will continue to remain closed for C-section deliveries.
It is also being suspected that the deaths could have been caused by contaminated blood. Mujtaba Hasan Askari, founder of Helping Hand Foundation observed that, administering 30 units of blood to one patient in a small window of 12 to 24 hours raises deep concerns over the quality of blood that was supplied to the patients and this needs to be probed thoroughly. It must be noted that Anusha and Nusrath Begum had been administered 30 and 15 units of blood respectively which was procured from private blood banks.
Kin of the deceased mothers alleged that the women were left unattended while they were bleeding profusely after giving birth to their babies.