New Delhi: Actor Priyanka Chopra on Wednesday urged followers to rely on authentic sources of information about coronavirus and arranged an Instagram live with top personnel of the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness about the pandemic.
The 37-year-old actor documented her videos on Instagram stories where she expressed the importance of only relying on authentic information about the highly contagious disease.
‘The Sky is Pink’ actor started the video by saying a ‘hello’ and went on to say how life seems to be ‘upside down.’
Priyanka Chopra and her husband Nick Jonas are on day 8 of self-isolation and have said they are taking all the recommended precautions to combat the spread of the virus.
But, the major crux of the video was on the question of how authentic is the online information on COVID-19.
“I have been reading up on the virus and all the information online feels scary. I’m wondering how much of this information is accurate? What is really out there?” said Priyanka Chopra.
For this purpose, the actor has announced an Instagram live on Thursday at 12.30 pm PST, with the help of global citizens.
The live will be joined by Dr. Tedros, director-general of WHO, and Maria Van Kerkhove who is a technical lead for COVID-19 at the WHO. CEO of Global Citizen, Hugh Evans, too would be joining the live video.
“So you can actually ask people who are on the front line fighting the virus .. anything you want to know ..Knowledge is power..the more you know the quicker we can work together to flatten the curve and fight this pandemic which is just so overwhelming and taking over the world,” she added.
The ‘Baywatch’ actor also praised the power of technology that helps to manage people support each other even at distance.
“It is a reminder for all of us, one thing happens to one community undoubtedly fights one another and another ..we are all global citizens,” she concluded.
Later, in reference to the problem of people stocking up too many essentials, leaving less for others, the actor shared a post with a caption that read: ” There are so many other things to stock up on right now. Please look out for each other and the people who are most at risk for #Covid19,” the caption read.
The post was an animated slideshow of write-ups that showed “Stock up compassion, joy, gratitude, and kindness.”