Mumbai: Actress Priyamani, who rose to nationwide prominence after her role of Suchitra Iyer in Raj and DK’s web series The Family Man. She was recently seen in the sequel of it and garnered much appreciation for her amazing performance. On the personal front, the actress got married to businessman Mustafa Raj in 2017, and now looks like their marriage is hit by troubled waters.
Well, according to a Times Of India report, after almost 5 years Mustafa’s first wife Ayesha has alleged that the marriage is illegal since Mustafa did not divorce her before marrying Priyamani.
Speaking to Times Of India, Ayesha said, “Mustafa is still married to me. Mustafa and Priyamani’s marriage is invalid. We have not even filed for divorce and while marrying Priyamani, he declared in the court that he was a bachelor.”
When the newsportal contacted Mustafa about the allegations, he said “The charges against me are false. I am paying the children’s maintenance to Ayesha regularly. She is simply trying to extort money from me.”
He also added “My marriage with Priyamani happened in 2017, why was Ayesha quiet for so long?”, as according to him his marriage with Ayesha ended in 2013.
In a response Ayesha said, “As a mother of two children, what can you do? One tries to sort it out amicably but only when it doesn’t work out, some steps need to be taken because you don’t want to lose out on time which he has been using against me now.”
On the work front, Priyamani played Manoj Bajpayee’s on-screen wife in ‘The Family Man’. She made her acting debut with the Telugu film ‘Evare Atagaadu’. For her stellar performances, she was even awarded a National Film Award for Best Actress and a Filmfare Award for Best Actress in Tamil. Most recently, she was seen in Tollywood’s action-drama Narappa which features Venkatesh Daggubati and Karthik Rathnam in lead roles.