Vadodara: Priya Prakash Varrier who is making her debut in the film “Oru Adaar Love” has become a sensation on social media. Even veteran actor Rishi Kapoor is impressed by the “expressive” and “innocent” Priya Prakash Varrier. He has predicted a bright future for the actress.
According to the report published in Zee News, Vadodara city police is now using actress’s “wink” to raise awareness on safe driving. Police wrote, “Drive carefully, without distraction”. The poster also contains photo of Priya Prakash’s wink act with caption “accidents happen in the wink of an eye #TrafficEkSanskar”. This poster had gone viral on social media.
#TrafficEkSanskar #VadodaraPolice#Biglilcity #Vadodara #Police
— Vadodara City Police (@Vadcitypolice) March 22, 2018
In another poster, it was written ‘Kab tak ruthegi chikhegi chillayegi. Dil Kehta hai ek din hasina maan jaayegi…Harassment and/or stalking can make you a #SarkariMehmaan”.
#SarkaariMehmaan #VadodaraPolice#staysafe#Biglilcity #Vadodara #Police
— Vadodara City Police (@Vadcitypolice) March 24, 2018
It may be mentioned that Vadodara, Mumbai and Bengaluru Police have been using catchy phrases to create awareness.