Kerala: Priya Prakash Varrier who is making her debut in the film “Oru Adaar Love” has become a sensation on social media. Even veteran actor Rishi Kapoor is impressed by the “expressive” and “innocent” Priya Prakash Varrier. He has predicted a bright future for the actress.
According to the report published in India TV News, after the number of followers of Priya Prakash Varrier crossed 5 million on Instagram, many companies are ready to pay lakhs of rupees for a post on her Instagram account. They have already approached the actress in this connection. The actress is reportedly being offered to the tune of Rs. 8 lakh per post on her Instagram account.
It may be mentioned that in the video song, she was seen winking at her classmate. After the video went viral, she became famous overnight. The boy who was seen in the video is Roshan Abdul Rahoof.