Telangana Jagruthi chief and Nizamabad MP K Kavitha has clarified that the TRS was giving top priority to the women in the State. The State was suppressed in all sectors before the formation of the State and the previous governments failed to do justice to the women. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was giving top priority to the women after formation of the State, she added.
Participating in the International Women Day celebrations held at TRS Bhavan here on Tuesday, Kavitha said the State government was introducing several programs for the uplift of women. The government was extending financial assistance of Rs 51,000 through Kalyanalaxmi scheme to daughters of the poorest of the poor for their marriage. The Kalyanalaxmi scheme was being implemented in the State, irrespective of the caste and creed.
Kavitha reminded that State government was registering three acre land given to Dalits and double bed room houses. The government was giving pensions to all women Beedi workers. The government provided opportunity to the women in market committees. The credit of providing 50 percent reservations to the women in GHMC elections goes to Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao.
The State government will give adequate recognition to the women who participated in the Telangana movement. In this context, the State government announced awards for 24 women, who served in various sectors, on the occasion of International Women’s Day celebrations, she informed and said KCR has decided to give a big share in the nominated posts to the women participated in the Telangana movement since beginning. She said the government will organize a women sports meet in July this year.
Deputy Speaker Padma Devender Reddy, Rangareddy, Medak ZP Chairpersons Sunitha Mahender Reddy, Rajamani, Rajya Sabha former member Gundu Sudharani, Dornakal former MLA Sathyavathi Rathod, TRS and Telangana Jagruthi activists participated in the program. (NSS)