New Delhi: Bihar Chief Minister and Janta Dal (United) leader Nitish Kumar is caught in controversy for skipping lunch hosted by Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi, though he cited his inability to attend the lunch beforehand, but is expected to fly into Delhi to meet PM Narendra Modi on Saturday.
He sent his party senior Sharad Yadav to represent his party on lunch this Friday.
The other two parties missing at the lunch were Aam Aadmi Party and Biju Janata Dal party headed by Naveen Patnaik’s. According to the sources, the two parties have not been invited by the Congress chief for being rival parties in their respective states of Delhi and Odhisa.
A total of 17 parties has been invited for the lunch which was organized to mark the acceptance of Modi’s government for the third year. These 17 parties constitute to 120 Lok Sabha MP’s opposed to 282 MP’s of BJP.
Nitish Kumar’s decision to attend PM Modi’s lunch in honor of PM of Mauritius a day later and not attending lunch hosted by Congress raised doubts about his plans to join his old associate party BJP.
He dismissed these “misinterpretations” saying he could not attend lunch hosted by Congress Chief due to prior official engagements while also adding that Bihar had old relations with Mauritius, as reported in DC.