New Delhi: The President, who arrived in Gujarat on Saturday night, also threw open a Gandhi Smruti Bhawan at the location where Mahatma Gandhi had stayed during his Dandi Yatra in Bharuch.
Mukherjee unveiled statues of Mahatma Gandhi, Chandubhai Desai and Chhotubhai Purani.
The Sardar Patel Hospital, which has been developed by the Sardar Patel Trust with efforts of Congress Rajya Sabha MP Ahmed Patel, who hails from Bharuch district, will have all modern health care facilities otherwise not available in the district.
At present, heart patients in the area have to travel to Vadodara, Surat and Ahmedabad for treatment. The new hospital will offer them treatment within Bharuch.
It will have facilities like radial angiography and angioplasty, besides cathlab, Intra-aortic balloon pum (IABP), elos facial and eco cardiogram. The hospital will have 14 permanent and 20 visiting doctors.
The revamped hospital now has a 100-bed facility. It offers numerous medical facilities.
Besides Ahmed Patel, the President was accompanied by Gujarat Governor O.P. Kohli and Minister of State for Home Pradipsinh Jadeja.