Pregnant Women ‘Harassed’ For Dowry, Commits Suicide

A 21 year old pregnant woman committed suicide in Ghatkesar after being harrased by her husband for additional dowry. The victim, identified as P.Swapna, was married to P.Venkanna. P.Venkanna was a labour at the time of marriage he was took dowry from Swapna’s parents.They give 50 grams gold, 3.5 lakh cash and a bike as dowry about one and-a-half-years ago.

Venkanna, however, started seeking an additional 50,000 as dowry. Apart from this, he also suspected Swapna’s fidelity.

According to V.V Chalpati, inspector, Ghatkesar, Swapna who was six months pregnant would often stay at her parents house. Venkanna starter suspecting her fidelity after her pregnancy was confirmed. A case has been booked.