Pre-qualification meet for Hyderabad Airport Express Metro project held

Hyderabad: The pre-application meeting for qualification for the General Consultant (GC) for the Hyderabad Airport Express Metro project was conducted on Tuesday.

Managing director of Hyderabad Airport Metro Ltd (HAML), NVS Reddy conducted the meeting, in which 23 reputed national and international engineering consultancy firms participated.

Highlighting the unique features and records set by the first phase of Hyderabad Metro, which is the world’s largest metro in PPP mode, the MD shared the importance of the Airport Metro project in the bouquet of projects planned by the chief minister, K Chandrashekhar Rao for the city’s development.

The GC will assist HAML in all technical and project management-related functions by performing:

  • DPR (Detailed Project Report) Review
  • Tender documentation and evaluation
  • Design Management-Proof Check of the designs and drawings submitted by various contractors and suppliers
  • Document control
  • Project planning
  • Interface management
  • Construction management
  • Quality Assurance & Quality Control
  • Health and Safety Management
  • Contract Administration
  • Renewable Energy system
  • Acceptance standards including defect rectification
  • O&M plan
  • Training of O&M staff of HAML
  • Security Audit for the project

A large number of technical experts and field engineers with good domain knowledge and experience will be in the GC to work in tandem with the techno-managerial team of HAML.

However, all technical, financial and contract management powers will be exercised by HAML. GC will guide and assist HAML in the implementation of the Airport Metro project owing to best international practices and safety standards.

The term of the GC is for three years which is the target time frame for the completion of the project, and the last date for submission of bids for which January 13 2023.