New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said power tariff will have to be reduced in the national capital in the wake of CAG indicting the three private distribution companies for allegedly inflating dues from consumers to the tune of a whopping Rs 8,000 crore.
Kejriwal, who has been a staunch critic of the discoms and have repeatedly levelled charges of corruption against them, said the draft CAG report received by the government was being studied in this regard.
“If whatever has come out is true, then it will be a very big thing. The scam of Rs 8,000 crore has surfaced. Delhiites will be benefited as tariff will have to be brought down. We have received a draft report and we are studying it. Let the final report come,” he said.
Besides accusing the discoms of inflating dues, CAG has also said there were other irregularities including suppressing revenue.
During his recent Independence Day address, Kejriwal had said “further cuts” in power tariff was possible if the centre gives AAP government the authority to cancel the existing power purchase agreements with electricity generating companies, entered into by the Sheila Dikshit government.