Patna (Bihar): As Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo Lalu Prasad’s son Tej Pratap is set to tie the knot with Aishwarya Rai, daughter of RJD leader Chandrika Rai on Saturday, a poster of the couple, portrayed as God and Goddess, has emerged in Patna.
The poster, which has been put up outside the residence of Lalu, depicts to-be groom Tej Pratap as Lord Shiva and to-be bride Aishwarya as Goddess Parvati.
On April 18, Tej Pratap got engaged to Aishwarya at a posh hotel in Patna. Mehndi ceremony was held on May 9.
Lalu Prasad, who is serving jail sentence after being convicted in multiple fodder scam cases, is on three-day parole to attend his elder son’s marriage.
The high-profile marriage of Lalu’s son has already garnered media’s attention.(ANI)