Addressing the media, the ‘Mauja hi Mauja’ hit-maker said that it is an honor to playback for such a legendary movie and to work along with a legendary composer like Ravindra Jain, who has earlier composed music for movies namely ‘Ram Teri Ganga Maili’, ‘Heena’, ‘Chor Machaye Shor’, ‘Geet Gaata Chal’ among others.
The power-house singer further said that this opportunity will make him learn a lot.
It is for the first time that Mika and Ravindra will be working together.
Directed by Shashank Udapurkar, the movie will encapsulate Anna’s entire lifespan and how he became Anna Hazare from Kisan Baburao Hazare. As per the sources, the director took Anna’s consent over the entire content.
According to the sources, the script for the movie was redone seven times before being finalized and the flick is expected to hit the silver screen by next year.