In a dramatic incident, Pooja Mishra, a Mumbai- based model and former Bigg Boss contestant allegedly whipped out a gun at a retail outlet in Karol Bagh here to thwart two men whom she claimed had tried to molest her, police said.
The incident was reported at around 9 AM when Pooja, on a visit to Delhi, had gone with her friends to the outlet near Karol Bagh Metro station.
The episode unfolded at the billing counter when Pooja suddenly pulled out a gun as she accused two men present there of having passed lewd comments at her. She also alleged that they had tried to touch her inappropriately when she was waiting her turn at the counter, said a police official.
By the time the shop manager intervened and other customers gathered around, the accused duo had fled the scene. Police was thereafter informed and a case registered at Rajendra Nagar police station by the woman.
It is yet to be verified as to what weapon or object the woman had produced from her bag at the store, police said, adding that they have obtained CCTV grabs from the outlet and identified the duo.
However, no arrests have been made in the case as yet, said the official. The complainant has been asked to join the probe and her response is awaited, he added