Hyderabad: The Afzalgunj police today nabbed two pick-pockets identified as Kadlabadli Sai Kumar, 24, of Mallepally and Mohammed Syed Ismail, 22, an auto driver of Afzalsagar and seized stolen cash of Rs 18,000.
Police said on December 8 morning, both the accused came to MGBS with an intention to commit thefts. They found a person on the Platform No. 32 and picked his pocket while he was boarding an RTC bus. Sai Kumar dashed against the victim and picked his purse containing Rs 20,000 and sped.
This morning, the Afzalgunj sleuths kept a vigil at MGBS and apprehended the duo and brought them to PS Afzalgunj. On interrogation, they admitted their guilt and the police recovered cash from the accused. (NSS)