Hyderabad: Strict action will be taken against those spreading rumours on social media. Any effort to terrify people, disrupt peace and target innocent people will not be tolerated. This was told by Rachakonda police Commissioner Mr Mahesh Muralidhar Bhagwat who was addressing a public awareness campaign here at Ibrahimpatnam. He said Rachakonda police will not tolerate any effort to disrupt peace.
He informed that 10 incidents have occurred in Rachakonda of which one man was lynched to death in Bibinagar. Other incidents occurred in Jawahar Nagar, Aghapally, Manchal, Choutuppal and Pahadi Shareef. He said the rumours regarding kidnapping gang on prowl was spread through social media.
Mr Muralidhar requested people to dial 100 and inform police if they come across any suspicious man or woman. Police will reach there within 10 minutes. He claimed that people are terrified by spreading false rumours.
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