New Delhi: A special movie screening was organised to raise awareness about gender sensitivity and gender violence among the police force and newly recruited officers here.
National award-winning film “Daughters of Mother India’ and “SONRISE” were screened at the Police Training School(PTS), Dwarka and Police Training College(PTC), Jharoda Kalan on Friday to raise awareness about issues like rape and survivors.
Another focus of the session was emphasising the role of forensic science and DNA to fight rape. T-shirts with “Saving the Evidence” logo were also worn to spread the message.
“Daughters of Mother India’, directed by Vibha Bakshi, is about the aftermath of the rape and murder of a 23-year old girl in Delhi in December 2012, while “SONRISE” deals with female foeticide in rural Haryana, leading to an unequal sex ratio in the state.
“There is a need to spread awareness on gender sensitisation and elimination of violence against women among the police officers and recruits,” said Suman Nalwa, Principal, Police Training School(PTS), Dwarka.
The UN observes International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women every year on November 25, which continues till December 10 to culminate in the International Human Rights Day. This year the theme for the same is “Orange the World”.
Police college organises movie screening on gender sensitisation
Source: IANS