Hyderabad: Devotees lost their cool on Friday, when Hussaini Alam police closed the entrance of Masjid-e-Chowk during Friday prayers.
When Mufti Azeemuddin President Darul Ifta Jamia Nizamia was returning after Friday sermon and prayer, he found the entrance of the mosque closed. He asked the devotees who closed the door. He was told that police closed it.
Mufti Azeemuddin said that namaz will not be valid if the door of the Masjid is closed as one of the requirement of Friday prayer that is general permission of namaz was not fulfilled. Then he announced that namaz of those devotees who offered the prayer in the Masjid has become invalid. He asked them to offer Zohr prayers at home.
Later Mufti Azeemuddin asked circle inspector why the door was closed. The latter expressed his ignorance.
A devotee named Mohammed Shareef told that some police constables in uniform and plain clothes closed the entrance.
This angered the devotees. They told that now that the lockdown is over and prayer is offered in all mosques while maintaining physical distancing, closing the entrance of the mosque while the sermon was underway is like hurting the sentiments of Muslims. It is interference in Shariah.
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