Police attacks Dadri lynching protesters in Kerala

Thiruvananthouram,Kerala : Police attacked activists of the Students Islamic Organisation (SIO) who tried to hold a public conference and beef festival on sunday against Dadri,Himarpur lynching .

.According to police officials, the activists were denied permission to hold the protest as they had not obtained prior permission for the same.

“Moreover, there was a possibility of rival organisations opposing the move and the situation turning violent. The activists resorted to protest after a notice was served on them not to conduct the event,” said police officials.

It was around 4:30 pm the activists of Students Islamic Organisation turned up on the beach to conduct the public conference and beef festival under the title “Rebel The Brahmin Justice and Violent Veganism”. When the activists went to the police station to inform about the public conference at 3:30pm, the police detained leaders of the group inside the station which prompted the others to stage protest.

The situation turned violent when the activists staged a sit-in in front of the Valiyathura police station, as the authorities took some of the activists in custody.The sit-in protest was addressed by Welfare party of India National Secratary K.Ambujakshan,Solidarity Youth Movement, State Committee member Afsal,Sunil Subramaniam etc. The Independent Fish workers Federation,Kerala Dalith Panthers Federation officials were also present there to extent their support to the protest.

The police used lathi to disperse the agitators when they tried to eat beef dishes during the sit-in They also forcefully seized the flags and banners of the program and threw the beef inside station compound.Sio Thiruvanathapuram District committee member Muhammed Saeed and 2 others were injured during the police action and was admitted in the hospital.The detained leaders were released later because of intense protest by the activists.
Shanghumugham Assistant Commissioner Jawahar Janardh said the local police had received an alert from the State Intelligence Wing that the bid to conduct the beef festival could lead to unrest.He said certain groups were present on the beach to sabotage the event.

“Police attacked and took the leaders in custody without any reason.Beef has became an atom bomb in Kerala now.Kerala police has became the puppets of RSS though UDF is in power now”.said Muhammed Aadhil,Spokes person of Sio while addressing the medias.”We had seeked permission for the program earlier,but police were interrogatting about the presence of beef at that time itself.They had pre-planned not to allow the protest and had even appointed mufthi police at the beach on the day for targeting the activists”He further added.

“The issue of recent murders of muslims and daliths has been narrowed just to ‘Right to Eat Beef” . Muslims and daliths need Right to life first which has not been addressed by medias and Left wing organisations-who conducts beef festivals in kerala”reacted Sio Delhi Zonal Secretary Muhammed Shihad.”The real issue is racial brahmanic justice,but left instead of addressing the real issue, is trying to appropriate muslim and dalit politics” he added.
The same SFI has been targeting, muslim and dalith organisations and torturing its cadres physically and mentally through out the campuses in kerala,denying the right to association”He further pointed out .Sio National Secratary Misa’b condemned the police attack on its cadres in kerala in a statement.Sio Jnu unit informed that joint protests and debates will be held inside the campus in coming days along with like minded organisations.

Wide spread protests were conducted by Sio all over kerala against the police attack.Mean while,it is to be noted that Kerala is one of the few states in India which has not banned cow slauaghter and beef, which strengthens the accusation of Sio against the actions of Kerala police.
