Hyderabad: Noted Urdu Author, Poet and Critic, Dr. Shamsur Rahman Farooqui (Allahabad) delivered a special address on “Criticism of fiction” at Dr. Syed Hamid Central Library of MANUU yesterday. During his address, he dealt with comprehensively about the criticism on fiction. He impressed upon the point of view of the fiction writer. The function was held by the Dept. of Urdu of MANUU. Dr. Mohammed Aslam Parvez, VC of MANUU presided over the function. In his presidential address, Dr. Aslam Parvez told that Dr. Farooqui visited MANUU to advise on the development of Center for Urdu Language Literature and Culture Project. Prof. Naseemuddin Farees, Dean, School of Languages, MANUU also addressed the gathering. At the beginning of the function, Dr. Abul Kalam, Head, Dept. of Urdu, MANUU introduce Dr. Farooqui.
–Siasat News