San Francisco: A flood of organizations are gearing up for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the Silicon Valley on September 27, 2015. In the seven days since registration opened, almost 500 diverse organizations from across the West Coast have registered to show support for the event.
The Indo American Community of West Coast (IACWC), a coalition of organizations tasked with organizing the event in which more than 18,000 people are expected to attend, concluded the registration process for organizations yesterday evening.
“Of course we are all very proud of our Indian heritage.” Rakhi Israni, IACWC spokesperson, stated,
“However, being a part of this historic event and seeing firsthand the amazing response, gives me a tremendous sense of how much the Indian diaspora believes in the power that is India and how much they believe in Prime Minister Modi,” she said.
The IACWC hosted speech in California will follow Mr. Modi’s address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
It is expected that several leading American government officials as well as CEOs of many of the top technology companies will be in attendance during Mr. Modi’s speech at the SAP Arena in San Jose on September 27.
Prime Minister Modi’s arrival will mark the first visit to California by an Indian Prime Minister in 33 years.
The reception is timed around the scheduling of many high impact meetings and programs, all of which stand to promote the shared ideals of innovation and entrepreneurship that define both Vibrant India under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi and Silicon Valley.
The visit shall also highlight the contributions of India and Indian Americans in the technology and clean energy sectors.
IACWC seeks to strengthen ties between the Silicon Valley and India in order to further connect the innovation and technology of the West with the growth of India. (ANI)