New Delhi, Sept. 18 : Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday criticised the Central Government for claiming success of the ‘Swachh Bharat’ mission, saying it is an over hyped programme that had no planning and very little resources.
“A much hyped program with no planning and little resources unravels. If only this government would focus on concrete action plans and not gimmickry,” Kumar tweeted, referring to a report published in a leading daily that claimed that 71 percent of the people polled had described the Swachh Bharat mission as a flop in cities.
“The online poll on “local circles”, which had over three lakh participants, provides a strong feedback that municipalities need big technology and skills upgrade and also need to improve actual delivery of sanitation services at the ground level.”
The Swachh Bharat mission was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 2 last year. (ANI)