Allahabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is in the city to attend the Bharatiya Janata Party’s two-day national executive meeting, on Sunday visited the historic Allahabad High Court museum, currently celebrating 150 years of its establishment.
He also interacted with the judges and members of the Bar.
“Earlier today, went to Allahabad HC, where I visited the museum & interacted with Judges & members of the Bar,” the Prime Minister tweeted.
The move by the Prime Minister comes as recently the bar association of the Allahabad High Court went up in arms against the BJP and was planning to stage a demonstration at the venue of the party’s conclave.
The members were angry over an assurance given by BJP president Amit Shah to the lawyers from Agra to consider a bench of the Allahabad High Court in west Uttar Pradesh.
Shah had promised the lawyers from Agra if the BJP is voted to power in 2017 in Uttar Pradesh then the government will work for a bench in the region.
Uttar Pradesh’ High Court has its headquarter in Allahabad and a bench in the state capital Lucknow.
The litigants from western Uttar Pradesh have to travel 550 km to reach the High Court and hence lawyers and litigants have been demanding a bench of the High Court in western Uttar Pradesh.
However, the lawyers and other judicial workers in Allahabad are against the move, claiming it would impact their livelihood.
In an emergency meet earlier on June 8, the Allahabad High Court bar association led by its president Radha Kant Ojha pledged to oppose the efforts to dilute the bench. (ANI)