With the election campaign hotting up, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi are due to share the dais on Tuesday.
Both will attend a function to inaugurate a museum dedicated to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s life here.
The museum has been constructed by the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Memorial Society.
Modi would also be laying the foundation stone of a gigantic statue of the first home minister of the country near Sardar Sarovar Dam on Thursday.
Union Minister Dinsha Patel, who is the chairman of the society, had met Modi and invited him to the function. The invitation card of the function says that the PM will be the chief guest and the Gujarat Chief Minister the special guest.
The BJP, and especially Modi, have often accused Congress of ignoring Patel’s legacy and promoting Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.