Shahjahanpur: Chief Minister of Uttar pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, on Saturday said that the victory of Narendra Modi-led government in the No-Confidence Motion in Lok Sabha on Friday, indicates that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will form the government with majority in 2019.
Addressing a farmers’ rally in Uttar Pradesh’s Shahjahanpur, also attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Adityanath said, “We saw how Prime Minister answered their (Opposition) every question and dismissed their allegations. The No-Confidence Motion was defeated with an absolute majority. This was an indication of 2019. The BJP, led by PM Modi, will form a government with an absolute majority and establish India as a superpower before the world.”
After a 12-hour-long debate on Friday, the No-Confidence Motion, moved by the opposition against Prime Minister Modi-led government, was defeated by voice and division vote in the Parliament.
Amidst heated proceedings, Congress party president Rahul Gandhi walked upto the Prime Minister and gave him a surprise hug, saying that he and his party had only love for Prime Minister Modi.
Taking a jibe at Rahul Gandhi, Adityanath said, “The reality of Congress party was revealed by Rahul Gandhi himself, that they have always been ‘Pappu’ and will continue to be one.”
The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister also took on his predecessors at the farmers’ rally.
Reflecting on his government’s comprehensive package of more than Rs. 8000 crore for the sugarcane farmers, Adityanath said, “During 2015-16, when Samajwadi Party was in power in Uttar Pradesh, only Rs 14,000 crores worth sugarcane was being sold. But this year, the Uttar Pradesh government, with the help of central government, has sold Rs. 34,000 crores worth of sugarcane.” (ANI)