Congress leader Jagdish Tytler on Monday was granted bail by a Delhi Court in a case involving the alleged forgery of a letter sent to the Prime Minister. The bail was granted on a personal bond of Rs. 2 lakh with two sureties of the like amount subject to conditions. Tytler, who appeared before the Delhi Court today, moved a bail plea that said that he was not required for any custodial examination. The Central Bureau of Investigation had alleged that Tytler had “actively connived” with business Abhishek Verma to cheat a telecom firm from China. Additionally, the CBI has also alleged that Tytler had faked and forged a letter to the Chinese company officials, which claimed to be written by Ajay Maken to the Prime Minister. Tytler and Verma have been charged for attempting to cheat under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act and the Indian Penal Code. (ANI)